Monday, August 12, 2013

Tips from Breaking Bad's

That’s the kind of analogy that surfaces in every discussion about the show runner of Breaking Bad, which premieres its final eight-episode run tonight. And that happy talk sells Gilligan—and the show he created–short.

Sure, there’s more than a grain of truth to this stereotype. Compared to television’s other often-prickly auteurs—David Chase of the Sopranos, David Simon of The Wire, and Matt Weiner of Mad Men—Gilligan is easy going. His go-to adjective in describing someone he’s fond of is “sweet.”
Most days, it’s just easier to be nice to people,” Gilligan admits, “and it bears more fruit, even if I’m not feeling like it.”
Nice might get you a meeting, but it doesn’t create a show that must be included in any serious discussion about the best shows in television history. How exactly did Gilligan manage to  take Walter White from Mr. Chips to Scarface?  Here’s a look at the tactics and strategies that Gilligan used to morph an improbably dark idea into the greatness that is Breaking Bad.
(This is spoiler-free about the current season until the freshly appended closing paragraphs which recap episode 509.)

Ignore Your Critics:  “That is the single worst idea for a television series I’ve ever heard in my life.” That’s the assessment of Michael Lynton, CEO of Sony Entertainment, when two of his production executives explained the concept for Breaking Bad. Without the benefit of hindsight, that reaction isn’t at all surprising. Cancer. Meth. Mr. Chips. Scarface. Breaking Bad makes The Sopranos seem like Everybody LovesRaymond. And in addition, unbeknownst to Gilligan, another show with a more palatable spin on the theme—Weeds, featuring Mary Louise Parker as a pot-dealing suburban mom—was already in production while he was trying to get Breaking Bad off the ground.
But ultimately none of that mattered. Lacking a better idea, Gilligan soldiered on and landed a production deal with Sony—Lynton’s comment notwithstanding—and a home at AMC which was attempting to establish itself as a force in original programming and thus open to taking a chance on a radical show.
Cast Against Type:  How do you cast a character like Walter White? You find an actor who does dark– maybe Kevin Spacey or John Malkovich, or the best clone you can afford. What did Gilligan do? He gave the part of Walter White to a guy best known as as a beleaguered dad on a modestly successful sitcom.
But Gilligan remembered Bryan Cranston not only from Malcolm in the Middle but from an X-Files episode in which he pulled off the feat of making a racist seem empathetic. This gutsy decision made TV history. See more..
Source: forbes

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